SSD boosts your computer performance

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Published on: October 11, 2012

Are you one of these person who came back home with your new computer very excited?
It has microsoft windows 7 or mac OS X mountain lion, multiple cores and a lot of RAM!

You tell yourself it’s so good it will be fast and finally you can get rid of your old slow computer with windows xp or snow leopard.

When it’s time to boot it, you realize that your new computer is slower than your old one.

You tell yourself it’s windows 7 or Mountain lion. It’s bigger it needs more files to load.

 OS   Disk type   Time to boot   
 Snow leopard   HDD 
57 seconds  
 Mountain lion   HDD 
60 seconds  
 Windows XP   HDD 
56 seconds  
 Windows 7   HDD 
77 seconds  

When it’s time to use your favorite apps, they are also slower..
We use eclipse with some projects.

 OS   Disk type   Time to load eclipse   
 Snow leopard   HDD 
27 seconds  
 Mountain lion   HDD 
45 seconds  
 Windows XP   HDD 
36 seconds  
 Windows 7   HDD 
130 seconds  

Even the browser is slower to load on new, better and faster hardware!.

 OS   Disk type   Time to load firefox   
 Snow leopard   HDD 
4 seconds  
 Mountain lion   HDD 
3 seconds  
 Windows XP   HDD 
6 seconds  
 Windows 7   HDD 
14 seconds  

Because you forgot to buy a solid-state drive or SSD.

What is a SSD?

The SSD replace the old technology known as hard disk drive or HDD. This is where your computer stores the files for the operating system and the applications. It is the slowest piece in your computer.

This new technology makes your computer faster.
The cpu and the RAM can exchange information in nano seconds. The HDD can only exchange at milli seconds which is 1000 time slower than the RAM. The SSD is like RAM operating much faster than the HDD.

See for yourself.
For these tests we used 3 different laptops. None were cleanly formatted and they were loaded with a tons of softwares which reflect today’s reality. Here is the description:

  • A laptop Intel Core2 1.66 GHz, 2 GB RAM was use for the windows XP tests.
  • A laptop MacBook Pro Intel Core i5 2.4 GHz, 8 GB RAM was use for all the Mac OS X tests.
  • A laptop Intel Core i5 2.4 GHz, 4 GB RAM was use for the Windows 7 tests.

The booting time is now very impressive.
I don’t remember in my life booting a computer other than customize version of linux and BSD under 25 seconds. Notice that Windows XP doesn’t have all the features necessary to use a SSD and Microsoft stopped supporting Windows XP.

 OS   Disk type   Time to boot   
 Snow leopard   HDD 
57 seconds  
 Snow leopard   SSD 
23 seconds  
 Mountain lion   HDD 
60 seconds  
 Mountain lion   SSD 
25 seconds  
 Windows XP   HDD 
56 seconds  
 Windows XP   SSD 
37 seconds  
 Windows 7   HDD 
77 seconds  
 Windows 7   SSD 
22 seconds  

Your applications are now very responsive.
Eclipse is a huge software for developing Java application. Notice how much faster is Windows 7 with a SSD! It is loading the same huge eclipse project. This shows you that your favorite huge software will also run much faster. We talk about your games, your accounting software, your collaboration tools, MS office, photoshop, illustrator, itunes, autocad, etc.

 OS   Disk type   Time to load eclipse    
 Snow leopard   HDD 
27 seconds  
 Snow leopard   SSD 
14 sec  
 Mountain lion   HDD 
45 seconds  
 Mountain lion   SSD 
23 seconds  
 Windows XP   HDD 
36 seconds  
 Windows XP   SSD 
13 sec  
 Windows 7   HDD 
130 seconds  
 Windows 7   SSD 
13 sec  

And the browser loads finally instantly.
Finally! I can’t believe that today a browser can take more than 1 second to load!

 OS   Disk type   Time to load firefox    
 Snow leopard   HDD 
4 seconds  
 Snow leopard   SSD 
1 sec  
 Mountain lion   HDD 
3 seconds  
 Mountain lion   SSD 
1 sec  
 Windows XP   HDD 
6 seconds  
 Windows XP   SSD 
2 seconds  
 Windows 7   HDD 
14 seconds  
 Windows 7   SSD 
1 sec  

What do I do if I want one?
The best approach is to clone your actual drive to the new SSD. This way everything stays the same and you don’t need to reconfigure anything.

Stop waiting and start working
If you spend many hours on your computer for work, for fun or for research, it’s important to have a fast and responsive computer. You can also give a second life to an aging computer.

Consult a computer expert if you need help to install your new SSD.
After that you can also have your SSD sticker.

my ssd is faster than your hdd

SSD boosts your computer performance was last modified: November 17th, 2013 by Jean Debogue
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Jean Debogue

Jean Debogue

IT consultant at Wedebugyou
I am a Canadian that lived a couple of years in Austria. My several years of experience in IT permits me to deliver quality solutions that scale for my clients. I am an expert in ipv6, security, web hosting, cloud and any kind of IT solutions. I am able to solve problems of great complexity. I like challenges and I always enjoy the process of achieving a successful outcome.
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